woensdag 3 december 2008

Sharepoint: Add or delete you configuration settings on feature activate / deactivated

When activating a feature you can add some settings to the web.config for example. Below you will see some code to add configuration settings.

Insert the next Code into the event FeatureActivated of your event receiver of your feature.


SPSite site = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent;
SPWebApplication webApp = site.WebApplication;
SPWebConfigModification modConfig = new SPWebConfigModification("add[@name=\"name of connectionstring\"]", "configuration/connectionStrings");
modConfig.Owner = strOwner;
modConfig.Sequence = 0;
modConfig.Type = SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode;
modConfig.Value = String.Format("<add name=\"{0}\" connectionString=\"{1}\" providerName=\"{2}\" />", " name of connectionstring ", "connectionstring", ProviderInfo");


SPSite site = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent;
SPWebApplication webApp = site.WebApplication;
SPWebConfigModification modsec = new SPWebConfigModification("section[@name=\"name of section\"]", "configuration/configSections");
modsec.Owner = strOwner;
modsec.Type = SPWebConfigModification.SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode;
modsec.Value = String.Format("<section name=\"{0}\" type=\"{1}\" />", "name of section", "Type");

Insert the folowing code in the FeatureDeactivating of your event receiver of your feature.

When you deactivate the feature all the entries which was made by the owner will be deleted.

Remove setting

SPWebApplication webApp = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(AbsoluteUrl));
if (webApp != null)
Collection<SPWebConfigModification> collection = webApp.WebConfigModifications;
int iStartCount = collection.Count;
// Remove any modifications that were originally created by the owner.
for (int c = iStartCount - 1; c >= 0; c--)
SPWebConfigModification configMod = collection[c];

if (configMod.Owner == strOwner)

// Apply changes only if any items were removed.
if (iStartCount > collection.Count)

maandag 1 december 2008

Sharepoint: Execute timerjobs immediately.

By using the STSADM operation gl-execadmsvcjobs, we can force the timer job to execute immediately.

With this STSADM operation we do not need to wait the timerjobs reached the schedule time.

stsadm -o gl-execadmsvcjobs

Sharepoint: Size limit of wsp file.

Today we had the problem that the size of the WSP exceeded the limit of the wsp Files. So when generating the WSP file inside visual studio the WSp file was split in two WSP files located on different locations.

There is a solution to disable the size limit of the wsp file.

Add the next code to the ddf file.

.Set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0
.Set FolderFileCountThreshold=0
.Set FolderSizeThreshold=0
.Set MaxCabinetSize=0
.Set MaxDiskFileCount=0
.Set MaxDiskSize=0

If you added this code to the ddf file. Visual studio will generate one wsp file.

Thanks to this blog We could solve the problem